GenExpTimecourses: Analysis of gene expression time-courses

The molecular processes of life are dynamic over time. Microarray experiments measuring the expression levels of a multitude of genes over time are one way of gaining insight into the dynamic processes. As a first analysis groups of similar expression patterns are routinely identified. We have developed an approach which allows to use prior knowledge, is flexible and very robust to noise. The method is implemented in the software GQL which allows control of the analysis process by use of graphical user interfaces. Currently, we are extending our framework to allow integration of further data related to transcription or protein interactions. Furthermore, we are also investigating methodologies for validating clustering of genes with functional annotation.

For further information contact Alexander Schliep ( This project is connected to the following projects: GQL, GHMM, pGQL.


Members: Alexander Schliep, Ivan G Costa, Christoph Hafemeister. Collaborators: Alexander Schönhuth (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica).


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