Events in 2013

PSB2013, Jan. 3-7, 2013, The Big Island of Hawaii

Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2013 ( Passed deadlines: paper: July 31, 2012 . .

ICBCSB2013, Mar. 14-15, 2013, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology ( Passed deadlines: paper: Feb. 20, 2013 . .

RECOMB2013, Apr. 7-10, 2013, Beijing, China

17th International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology ( Passed deadlines: paper: Oct. 7, 2012 . .

RECOMB-SEQ2013, Apr. 11-12, 2013, Beijing, China

Third Annual RECOMB Satellite Workshop on massively parallel sequencing. ( Passed deadlines: paper: Jan. 4, 2013 . .

ISBRA2013, May 20-21, 2013, Charlotte, NC

9th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications ( Passed deadlines: paper: Feb. 6, 2013 , abstract: April 1, 2013 . .

WEAIB2013, June 5-7, 2013, Barcelona, Spain

Second Workshop on Educational Approaches for Integrating Bioinformatics into Computer and Life Science (WEAIB 2013) In conjunction with the International Conference on Computational Science 2013 ( Passed deadlines: paper: Jan. 15, 2013 . .

ICCABS13, June 12-14, 2013, New Orleans, LA

3rd IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and medical Sciences ( Passed deadlines: paper: April 5, 2013 . .

ICML2013, June 16-21, 2013, Atlanta, GA

30th International Conference on Machine Learning ( Passed deadlines: paper: Jan. 7, 2013 . .

CPM2013, June 17-19, 2013, Bad Herrenalb, Germany

24th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching ( Passed deadlines: paper: Jan. 18, 2013 . .

Prib2013, June 17-May 19, 2013, Chateau de Valrose, Nice, France

8th IAPR International Conference in Pattern Recognition for Bioinformatics ( Passed deadlines: tutorial: Jan. 15, 2013 , paper: March 10, 2013 . .

Program committee member: Alexander Schliep.

IEEE CEC 2013, June 20-23, 2013, Cancún, México

Special Session on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology ( Passed deadlines: paper: Feb. 15, 2013 . .

SPARS2013, July 8-11, 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland

Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations ( Passed deadlines: paper: Jan. 15, 2013 . .

HiTSEQ2013, July 19-20, 2013, Berlin, Germany

Conference on High Throughput Sequencing Methods and Applications. Special Interest Group of ISMB 2013 ( Passed deadlines: paper: March 17, 2013 , abstract: May 13, 2013 . .

MLSB2012, July 19-20, 2013, Berlin, Germany

Seventh International Workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology ( Passed deadlines: abstract: May 5, 2013 . .

ISMB-ECCB-2013, July 21-23, 2013, Berlin, Germany

21st Annual Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and 12th European Conference on Computational Biology ( Passed deadlines: paper: Jan. 7, 2013 . .

Program committee member: Alexander Schliep.

WADS2013, Aug. 12-14, 2013, London, Ontario, Canada

Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium ( Passed deadlines: paper: Feb. 20, 2013 . .

ICER2013, Aug. 12-14, 2013, San Diego, CA

International Computing Education Research (ICER) Workshop (

WABI2013, Sep. 2-4, 2013, Sophia Antipolis, France

13th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics ( Passed deadlines: paper: April 19, 2013 . .

GCB2013, Sep. 10-13, 2013, Göttingen, Germany

German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) ( Passed deadlines: paper: May 31, 2013 . .

ECML-PKDD2013, Sep. 23-27, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic

European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases ( Passed deadlines: paper: April 18, 2013 . .

CMSB2013, Sep. 23-25, 2013, IST Austria, Klosterneuburg, Austria

The 11th conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology ( Passed deadlines: abstract: April 8, 2013 , paper: April 15, 2013 . .

BSB2013, Nov. 3-7, 2013, Recife, Brazil

Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics ( Passed deadlines: paper: June 7, 2013 . .

Program committee member: Alexander Schliep.

RECOMB-RSG2013, Nov. 8-12, 2013, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

6th Annual RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory and Systems Genomics, with Dream Challenge ( Passed deadlines: paper: June 28, 2013 . .

NIPS2013, Dec. 5-8, 2013, Lake Tahoe, Nevada

Neural Information Processing Systems Conference ( Passed deadlines: paper: May 31, 2013 . .

Reviewer: Alexander Schliep.