BayesianHMM: Fast MCMC Sampling for Hidden Markov Models to Determine Copy Number Variations
Hidden Markov Models are often used for
analyzing Comparative
Genomic Hybridization (CGH) data to identify chromosomal aberrations
or copy number variations by segmenting observation sequences. For
efficiency reasons often parameters of an HMM are estimated with
maximum likelihood and a segmentation is obtained with the Viterbi
algorithm. This introduces considerable uncertainty in the
segmentation, which can be avoided with Bayesian approaches using
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. While their advantages
have been clearly demonstrated, the likelihood based approaches are
preferred in practice for their lower running times; datasets coming
from high-density arrays and next generation sequencing amplify
these problems.
We propose an approximate sampling technique inspired by discrete sequence compression for HMM and kd-trees to leverage spatial relations between data points in typical data sets to speed up the MCMC sampling.
For further information contact John Wiedenhoeft ( This project is connected to the following projects: AlgoEngineering, HaMMLET.
Members: John Wiedenhoeft, Alexander Schliep, Md P. Mahmud.
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