The comparison of articles and methods that perform the cascade of SVMs in parallel. Here, we highlight the articles in the survey that have interesting findings using cascades of SVMs for training the samples. The description of each column is as follows,

Note the table can be sorted by clicking on the title of each column.

Algorithm Problem Type Parallelism Type Main Idea Pros Cons Reference
Algorithm Problem Type Parallelism Type Main Idea Pros Cons Reference
Alternating feedback cascade SVM Non-linear and binary classifications Shared memory parallelism Obtains SVs using samples' distance mean and alternating feedbacks
  • Data reduction
  • Reduces the number of SVs
  • Improves the classification accuracy
  • Concerns regarding efficient decomposability of the problem
  • Limited shared memory
Zhang et al. [2005]
Parallel SVM in .NET Unclear Shared memory parallelism using .NET Implements a cascade SVM in parallel using .Net framework
  • Achieves superlinear speedup
  • Good scalability in terms of the number of cores and threads
  • Faster than the standard cascade
  • Unclear number of passes through the cascade to achieve the desired accuracy
  • Unclear scalability in terms of the number of training data
  • Benefits not fully clear compared to the similar approach by Zhang et al. [2005]
Hu and Hao [2010]
Improved cascade with crossed feedbacks Non-linear and binary classifications Distributed HPC architectures SVs are obtained by an alternating feedback in a crossed way similar to the work proposed by Zhang et al. [2005]
  • Improves the classification accuracy
  • Improves the performance in terms of training time compared to the standard cascade
  • Benefits not fully clear for large-scale problems
  • Benefits not fully clear compared to the similar work proposed by Zhang et al. [2005]
  • Unclear number of passes through the cascade to achieve the desired accuracy
  • Unclear scalability in terms of the number of cores or threads
Yang et al. [2006]
A simple parallel cascade Non-linear and binary classifications Distributed HPC architectures Implements a bagging-like strategy to aggregate SVs in the last layer of the cascade and improves the parallelizability
  • Improves the classification accuracy
  • Reduces communication overhead
  • Better parallelizability than the standard cascade
  • An adaptive termination criterion
  • Almost doubled speedup
  • Unclear benefits in some cases
  • Non-optimal results for some of evaluated datasets
  • Unclear scalability
  • Lack of parameter tuning
Meyer et al. [2014]
PSMR Non-linear and multi-class classifications Distributed HPC architectures Employs ontology-based strategy to improve the classification accuracy
  • Reduces the number of SVs
  • Higher speedup compared to the standard cascade
  • Studies impact of the number of partitions on the performance
  • Higher speedup for the increasing number of partitions
  • The optimal number of partitions is unclear, i.e., the number of partitions that training data is divided into without deterioration of accuracy
  • Limited explanation of the ontology-based semantic used for improving classification accuracy
Xu et al. [2014]
Incremental cascade Non-linear and binary classifications Distributed HPC architectures Implements one layer cascade with data fusion in which the cascade is combined with incremental learning for intrusion detection
  • Heavily reduces the number of SVs
  • Reduces the number of training data
  • Avoids re-constructing of SVMs for whole data to train a new coming data
  • Higher speedup compared to the standard cascade
  • Filters redundant data
  • Unclear scalability in terms of the number of training samples
  • Limited explainability of the conducted benchmarks
  • Unclear scalability in terms of the number of samples and cores
Du et al. [2009]
CA-SVM Non-linear and binary classifications Distributed HPC architectures Combines the cascade with a divide-and-conquer like method and implements a communication avoiding classifier using initial clustering of data
  • Good scalability in terms of the number of processors (up to 1536 processors)
  • Heavily reduces the communication between distributed nodes
  • Higher speedup compared to the similar approaches
  • Improved isoefficiency
  • Modest loss of classification accuracy
You et al. [2015]
P2P SVM Non-linear and binary classifications Distributed HPC architectures Reduces the number of SVs through a peer to peer network
  • Improves the classification accuracy for a large number of SVs
  • Robust to imbalance classes
  • Quadratic time and memory complexity with respect to the number of SVs
  • Scales well with the size of peers
  • Exists an upper bound for communication overhead
  • Not robust if the number of SVs is small
  • Unstable for a small number of SVs
  • Deterioration of the classification accuracy
Ang et al. [2008]
RASMO Non-linear and binary classifications Distributed big data architecture using map-reduce Conducts load balancing using a genetic algorithm for image classifications
  • Load balancing
  • Scales well with the number of mappers
  • Good scalability in terms of the number of cores
  • Improves the performance in terms of computing time while increasing number of mappers
  • Supports computation in a heterogeneous environment
  • Complicated load balancing strategy
  • Suffers from map-reduce startup overheads for small-scaled problems
  • Benefits not fully clear for a small number of training samples
  • Load balancing may take longer time than the time spent on training sub-problems
Guo et al. [2015]
Parallel cascade SVM for IDS Linear and non-linear classifications GPU parallelism Parallelizes the standard cascade SVM using GPU-based parallelism
  • Improves the classification accuracy
  • Higher speedup compared to the similar approaches
  • Finds the suitable number of partitions to split a large problem into smaller problems to get maximum performance
  • Scales well with the number of training samples
  • Speedup is saturated for more than 64 processors
  • Suffers from communication overhead
Tarapore et al. [2016]
Parallel cascade SVM for pedestrian recognition and tracking Two-layer linear and non-linear classifications GPU parallelism Implements a real-time classifier with selective feature extraction for video-based classifications
  • Higher speedup compared to the similar approaches in some cases
  • Demonstrates a real-time behavior
  • Good scalability in terms of the number of training samples
  • Reduces features
  • Complex implementation
  • Limited explanability of results
  • Benefits not clear in some cases
  • Not significant speedup in some cases
Weimer et al. [2011]