


author = {Dinesh Singh and Phillip G Febbo and Kenneth Ross and Donald G Jackson and Judith Manola and Christine Ladd and Pablo Tamayo and Andrew A Renshaw and Anthony V D'Amico and Jerome P Richie and Eric S Lander and Massimo Loda and Philip W Kantoff and Todd R Golub and William R Sellers},

title = {Gene expression correlates of clinical prostate cancer behavior.},

journal = {Cancer Cell},

year = {2002},

volume = {1},

pages = {203--209},

number = {2},

month = {Mar},



Original data:




Among other things, the authors studied gene expression patterns from 52 prostate tumors (PR) and 50 normal prostate specimens (N)  in order to ask whether such patterns could be used to predict common clinical and pathological phenotypes relevant to the treatment of men diagnosed with this disease.



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