


author = {Lars Dyrskjot and Thomas Thykjaer and Mogens Kruh0ffer and Jens Ledet Jensen and Niels Marcussen and Stephen Hamilton-Dutoit and Hans Wolf  and Torben F Orntoft},

title = {Identifying distinct classes of bladder carcinoma using microarrays.},

journal = {Nat Genet},

year = {2003},

volume = {33},

pages = {90--96},

number = {1},

month = {Jan},

doi = {10.1038/ng1061},

url = {}



Original data:




Bladder cancer is a common malignant disease characterized by frequent recurrences. The stage of disease at diagnosis and the presence of surrounding carcinoma in situ are important in determining the disease course of an affected individual. In this context, the authors report the identification of clinically relevant subclasses of bladder carcinoma using expression microarray analysis: Ta, T1 and T2+.



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